Sunday, April 26, 2015

Making it to Dancefestopia

     If you have been following the blog, you have likely ran into either a post or reference to multiple festivals. What I omitted was the "horrendous" cost of these large festivals. Making it to Dancefestopia will cost you, but I doubt you will regret it.

Electric Daisy Carnival 3-day general admission tickets are 426$
Tomorrowland 3-day general admission is 868$
Dancefestopia however is only about 168$

   "Only" may seem like an under exaggeration, it is a-lot to spend for most people. When you consider what that 168$ purchases though it is actually quite the deal. There will be 75+ sets performed at Dancefestopia this year, 3 days of nonstop music and enjoyment, the experience is more than worth it. There are other expenses to consider though before you just run out and get festival tickets. A 3-day festival will require you to purchase/bring plenty of food and water. Also if you don't have a tent, you will either need to get one from the DFT shop or buy your own. Also gas and a required parking pass if you drive there. This means in reality the entire weekend will cost you around 300$ to 400$.

     BUT Dancefestopia offers you the opportunity to get your tickets free by selling them on their behalf.
Sell 8 tickets get yours free, there are also a number of other incentives depending on how many tickets you manage to sell. This is a cost effective way for determined festival-goers to make it to them more often.

     It located on the bank of the river.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds cool I will definitely have to go check it out!
